Thursday, May 17, 2007

Grouse and Ale, Lane End, 16th May 2007

Run Report by Steve

“… David, are you now living in sheltered accommodation” asked Susie of Mr Abbott regarding his new house. David, momentarily stunned, looked at her, turned to the others in the pub and …

But hey, I’m getting ahead of myself here. I should start the run report from the beginning. However I could not pass up the opportunity to place this outstanding line at the head of my humble report

Jules, Amanda, Kate, John, Fred, Jerome, Richard, David and I assembled at a new venue - the Grouse & Ale in Lane End. The run took us through the centre of Lane End and out towards the shooting ground via Millennium Park – an area of rough grassland that singularly fails to live up to its triumphal name. After Jules taking us down a couple of minor u-turns, it was left to Jerome to read the map the right way up and lead the way along the very pleasant downhill woodland track, past the shooting ground and towards the Piccadilly bend on the Lane End to Marlow road. The shooting ground was in full swing and the group did seem to speed up noticeably once the sound of shotguns got very near.

After crossing the road we headed down across a very pleasant wooded valley, across loads and loads of fields and up to Moor Common. By this point it was raining and we were a bit knackered and so we ran the last half a mile or so back to Lane End on the road (avoiding the last footpath).

As a general observation it would seem that there is somewhat of a cartographical battle being fought in our quest for new routes this year. For last nights run, it seemed there was a definite Jerome vs. Jules thing going on. Jules being the raffish conquistador, intent on ploughing on through vine-infested thickets with the vague promise of hitting a path at some point. And Jerome the wily fox, hanging back a little, surveying the land – assessing the directional options with primeval expertise before making his considered move. I’m not getting involved.

At the pub we were joined by Chris and Susie who had run down from Radnage (or so they said) to join us.

The re-furbished Grouse and Ale (it used to be the very dodgy Clayton Arms) met with great approval from us all and looks to be a firm contender to be the Christmas meal or final run of the year venue.

It was in the pub that we took to discussing David’s new house and the problems he is getting in gaining approval from his elderly neighbours for his erection (ooh!) ……of a Sky dish on his property. Hence the comment from Susie. Amanda also gave us an impromptu demonstration of her extra scary serious legal face

Next weeks run is from The Mowchak at 7pm. I will check beforehand that they have the Champions League on the TV.


Anonymous said...

very funny report Steve. Amanda

Anonymous said...

Nice one Steve. Jules

Anonymous said...

Very good report, Steve. I've decided to speak to the warden about the Sky dish.