Monday, June 14, 2010

The Jolly Farmer, Cookham Dean - 9th June 2010 (Run 11)

Run Report by Brett

What a very pleasant evening it was. Steve T, Selwyn, John, Jerome, Fred, Lulu the dog, Jules, Amanda, Chris, Sarah, David, young Sebastian Rivett, Lars the newcomer and yours truly met in Cookham Dean for a 40/45 minute reasonably leisurely run extended to over 50 minutes by the more regular runners amongst us.

John Bartlett lead the way taking us down a rocky hill to the cricket club, sadly not a venue for sporting triumph for the writer but instead a useful Friday night watering hole with Rebellion IPA served at £2.40 a pint.

Realising that John was intent on taking us through a council estate to see the low spots of Maidenheads, Jules guided our spluttering vehicle up Bradcutts Lane and onto Winter Hill. There the party split allowing the faster of our group to chase rabbitts and the less elite to admire the view.

Amanda insisted (probably egged on by Sarah and with Sebastian as guide) in checking out some prime real estate that unfortunately meant that we found ourselves on another course of tarmac rather than the intended off road route. Jerome complained, Lars kept on running just a little mystified by this groups habit of jogging for a mile and then stopping for a chat. Steve T, Jules and Chris sprinted past myself, David & Selwyn through Turkey Valley to the National Trust Land to finish the assignment whilst the more sedate wheezy trio stumbled up the chalkpit and back to the Jolly Farmer. I couldnt tell whether Lulu, being lead by Fred enjoyed the run but suggest for maximum pleasure she returns to Turkey Valley without owner anytime between September and December 24th when the picking are exceedingly rich.

In returning to The Jolly Farmer we were met by a large group of men dressed all in white with hats and wielding threatening sticks. I assured all that KKK meetings were now banned under a Cookham Dean by law and in seeing bells we realised that the Morris Dancers had come to Town. This meant gratuitous drinking of wine, cider, numbers (1664 for the uninitiated) and Skinner's Betty Sogs by all in an attempt to ease the pain of seeing and hearing the bearded loons sway to and fro. The pain wouldnt go and then was worsened by Jerome getting all Shakespearian with us stating 'something is wrotten with the state of the kitty'. Plainly there appears to have been some oversight but one that hopefully didnt put a dampener on what was already a muggy evening.

Welcome to Lars. We hope you join us again. Well run to Sebastian who showed his parents (and a few of the others) a clean pair of heels of his mums reserve running shoes and we look forward to seeing you all next Wednesday for a 7pm start from the Prince Albert at Frieth.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi VEry nice posts i'sure i'sts nice