Friday, June 04, 2010

Bloom Wood (orienteering), 26th May 2010 (Run 9)

Run Report by Chris

As we have for the first time got individual split time for each group through each control I feel we should produce the report by those numbers. Unfortunately as I was some 10 minutes late the blanks in the report have had to be guessed at.

Bloom Wood Green Course Distance: 4.5km Climb 394m

Group 1
Fred, Susie, Amanda (possibly Jerome and Duds) 1.12.44 including 12.18 looking for control No 3
Group 2
Martin, Spider, John and Neil
1.00.04 including 8.21 looking for control No 4
41.25 including 25 mins of gloating at how crap we all were
1.05.33 including 12 mins of thinking up an excuse for how slow he was (attacked by bear!)

Other numbers:
5 the number of dogs accompanying the run. (6 if you include the one Susie got when I forgot to pick the boys up)
9 the number of runs that David Abbot has missed with his doggy foot/ankle/knee/back
23 the number of pathetic excuses Bret has used for not attending. (“I am helping my wife wash her hair!”)
12 times a run. The number of times Bas says he is really busy at work.
Every time, Richard say he would love to run this week but.....
30 sec the time it takes Jerome to get that rather unpleasant “Patrick Vieira” sweat ring under his chin.
125 the number of emails it takes Duds and Amanda to arrange the lift on a Wednesday night.
2 weeks the length of time it took us all to get to know Martin so we could tap him up for lifts, buying a round, Servicing our bikes, lending us £20.
2.30 hrs the time it now take all the girls and half the boys to change and make up after a run.
£1.34 the amount of under spend on each weeks kitty (At this rate we will have £20 for the Christmas do!)
0 the number of times Amanda is likely to drive home. (“Jules doesn’t mind!”)
2,34 sec the number of minutes Neil’s “model Plane” lasted before smashing into a tree. (How old are you!)

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