Friday, May 01, 2009

The Crooked Billet, Flackwell Heath - 29th April 2009

Run Report by Steve


On the well-founded premise that a picture paints a thousand words I will be providing this weeks run report with visual aids.

For example, instead of listing the runners, here is a lovely picture of us all in a wood with bluebells.

(Jules ran as well - he was taking the photo).
Here are some more lovely bluebells that we saw en-route...

The running that we did looked looked a bit like this...

and this...

After a very pleasant run of about 5 miles we arrived back at the pub...

He may be our Spritual Leader but he can't take his Stella like he used to!...

The (very friendly) pub was kind enough to supply us with sandwiches...

It had a very nice doggy...

That went very nicely with our kitty...

Jules - can you explain why this picture was on your camera?!

Lots and lots of different conversations at the pub so couldn't possibly relate on the major themes. We also had some very welcome injured and non-runners at the pub who added to what had become a very large group.
Man U 1 Arsenal 0 - say no more.
After throwing my perennial strop about deleting the blog in protest against Luddite e-mailers, I stated my aim to introduce Twitter to the group. This would entail writing a run report in 140 characters or less. An interesting challenge.
Next weeks run is from the Yew Tree in Frieth, 7pm start.
Cheers. Steve.


Jules said...

Nice one steve - wish I had thought of a "picture painted report"


Jules said...

- especially as I took the photos!!!!