Monday, September 01, 2008

Fox and Hounds, Christmas Common - 20th August 2008

Run Report by Kate

Dear all
I’m taking the easy option and following on from Dud’s email of last week for this weeks report.
With numbers severely down on last week, and raining threatening, myself, Duds, John and David set off from the Fox & Hound. Prior to setting off we were all informed by David that he would have to leave by 8.20pm or he would not get any food and he wanted a pint as well before leaving. (Good to hear that Diana has a firm hand, no doubt it’s needed!!) With instructions issued we set off down the hill towards Watlington, no map, on to the Ridgeway, fairly sure we knew the route and certain of a short cut for David is needed. As you can imagine the runners were well spread out with John in the lead, David bringing up the rear and Duds and I somewhere in the middle engaging in polite conversation. Upon reaching David’s much requested short cut, we all decided to keep him company, not that we achieved this, the home straight involving a particularly nasty hill up to Christmas Common. At one point Duds was walking as fast as I was running, something to do with his stride? John obviously reached the top first, did 20 press-ups and proceeded run back down, (too busy breathing to be impressed!) Once at the top Duds and I had a welcome break whilst we waited for David and discussed how much weight we needed to loose, especially John!
On arriving back at the pub, (at different times of course), we were informed by a delighted David that we had achieved his goal and he would now join us for a pint, in fact he was now a head of schedule and was able to leave at 8.10pm. Conversation in the pub centred round the Olympics and what medals the day’s events had brought. David told a disturbing story about identity theft that had recently happened to him, (be on the look out of David Abbot look alikes!) Steve Sutton later joined us as he had the kitty, where upon the discussion changed and a debate ensued as to who was ‘nicer’ Gaby Logan and Kirsty Gallagher? The latter winning it for Steve! Duds mentioned the Secret Millionaire programme he likes, ways to entice a millionaire on a Wednesday run were mentioned, a few thousand for running gear or the Bartlett emergency fund surely wouldn’t be missed?
We all left the pub promptly at 9pm as the music was about to start and we were sitting at the table where a very large man and his double base was about to play! Not sure he was any good we didn’t hang around to find out.
Next week’s run is causing some concern, I’m going to suggest the Three Feathers nr Cliveden and then a 40min run around the grounds, know the route as I do it with my running club. However, happy to consider other suggestions, as this may be considered too far out?? Response required.
See you all next week.

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