Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Golden Ball & George & Dragon, West Wycombe - 18th June 2008

Run Report by Chris

Aah… Sorry! I know I said I would do it!
And now it’s Tuesday and all Hell is going to break loose because I haven’t. However I have come up with the answer!!!!

"A Form letter run report" Brilliant!

Here is the first draft: Please delete as appropriate sections in red!
We all met up in the car park at the (Venue: enter pub name). Although the weather was a bit We had to wait for (Chris/Kate/Chris/Amanda/Chris/Chris) as they were late again. Another half an hour or so was also wasted whilst (Jules/Jules/Jules/Jules) faffed around with (sat navs/Watch/Batteries/Maps/Bike).
The run started with a (steep run up hill/ very steep run up hill) whilst Fred complained about Jerome’s (smoking/weight gain/slobbyness-probably don’t need to delete any). At the top Presso, Selwyn and David got a bit nervous that the pub was now a good 4oo yds away and headed off on a short loop, They were joined by (Doug/Richard) because (they had a bad knee/had a bad day at the office/ had a good day at the office/ they’re worth it!)
The rest of us followed the lane for another ¾ mile. As ever the conversation was the same:
(pick 2 from the following)
Steve Sutton recalled his present injury list.
Kate told us all how much she is now running
Steve T what a big killing he made on his house sale
John what’s wrong with Gordon Brown
Chris wittered on about something which only he understood and found funny
Amanda how she had gone in the office for two meeting this week and is worried about executive burn out
Michael Herfurt said nothing
Susie how lovely everyone looked and how she thought they’d lost a bit of weight
Fred explained how the roots of the Deadnettle and sitting under quartz cristals were very good for PMT.
Dud’s apologised about the video chip he had emailed with the girl, the dog a bottle of coke and a packet of vimtos.
At one point (John/Jules/Chris/Steve) had a big argument over the route and we back tracked a mile or two.
On return David had changed completely into (his casual wear/gardening cloths/pulling gear) as he had a hot date. Selwyn and Presso had drunk (1/2/3) pints on the kitty.
Talk among the girls focused mainly around how their men are still so (hot/fat/flatulent) and how they were really looking forward to a good (night/row/divorce).
We all disappeared into the night with Jerome and Selwyn left to tidy up the (glasses/nibbles/kitty)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice one Rodders.
I'd like a retraction of the libelous accusation or sight of some evidence.
For the record, I have never had either 1,2 or 3 pints on the kitty, before your return.
