Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Jules & Amandas' 21st May 2008

Run Report by Selwyn

Steve T is threatening to publish league tables of how many run reports we have each done, so watch out everyone. Apparently my record is not good, so hence my (somewhat reluctant) acceptance of the invitation to write this week’s report. Yes it’s late, but at least it should be a little more descriptive than Rodders’ recent effort. Jules has suggested that we should all attempt 100 words minimum, by the way.

Amanda & Jules very kindly invited us to run from their place at the earlier than usual start of 7.45 pm in order that we could return for drinks & eats while settling down to watch the Champions League Final.

Runners had been invited to wear colours showing their allegiance to the finalists. To a certain extent this was complied with, but for some (notably Brett), this resulted in some very strange attire.

Brett wore a very fetching blue cropped top, exposing his midriff in a very unseemly manner. As far as we could see he did not have the diamond stud in his navel – just the normal blue fluff.

Doug wore an attractive little number in blue and yellow polyester and confessed that as a result he had taken the precautionary measure of Vaselining his nipples.

Steve T and myself wore red, David (I think) wore yellow & black (obviously a Wolves supporter) and the remainder (Duds, Kate, Jerome, Susie & Chris) wore various shades of grey, presumably to demonstrate their ambivalence to, or probably more likely total disinterest in either team.

A beautiful evening for a run, the route was the normal one from Amanda & Jules, ie down a steep incline to Bennett End at the start, up a long drawn out gradual climb to the west, through Crowell Wood at the top and back down a track to return to Bennett End. David & I opted to walk up that steep incline home and of course the extra loop fitties had caught us up by the time we reached the field at the top.

Amanda was there to greet us on our return, perfectly timed for the start of the match. Spider joined us, together with various young offspring already in attendance.

At half time, Amanda treated us to a magnificent (and healthy) spread of lasagne & salad. Various attendees made their exits at various times and the rest, as they say, is history.

Many thanks to Amanda & Jules for their generous hospitality.

Venue for the next run (tomorrow) is to be the Flower Pot PH at Aston. To get there by car, turn north off the A4130 Maidenhead to Henley road, or you can get to it across the Thames (by bike or on foot) from Mill End on the A4155 Marlow to Henley road. I will maybe devise a different route to the one we have done previously, if you like.


Anonymous said...

Top report Selwyn, sorry I missed the run.
How do I get to the Flower Pot by car from Henley? I'll be coming in on the road from Nettlebed?


Anonymous said...

Good report,Selwyn, and thanks again to Jules and Amanda for their generous hospitality. As for the Wolves comment, my solictor has been instructed.
PS Presso - as I suspect Selwyn isn't narcissistic enough to read his own blog, it's over the bridge, up Remenham Hill and turn left at the sign to Aston (Henley traffic being what it is, you're probably best leaving around lunchtime)