Thursday, April 03, 2008

The Royal Oak, Bovingdon Green 2nd April 2008

Run Report By Duds

There was a sizeable turn-out for the first run of the 2008 Wednesday running season from the Royal Oak in Bovingdon Green. Steve was late and so ran on his own but the rest of us (Chris-la, Susie-la, Jules-la, Amanda-la, Fred-la, John-la, Selwyn-la, David-la, Doug-la, Rob-la and Stella-laaaaaaaa, Michael-la, Brett-la and I-la) left the car park at high speed to set out on a fun-filled stroll through the Bucks countryside. Having been reliably informed in the car on the way to the pub that the residents of Bucks have the greatest longevity in the UK made me feel just that little bit more sprightly......

As usual there was a fair amount of chat on the way round (not just from me) but apart from that there really was very little to get excited about (apart, maybe, from Doug exposing himself to a hedge and Rodders having nearly been mounted by a galloping horse after Stella had whipped it into a frenzy). The usual three groups of supremely fit/fast, very fit/fast and pretty fit/fast held each others hands for most of the circuit and we all arrived back after around 50 minutes in good health and looking forward to a drink and a packet of Porkies. Jerome's clean-shaven appearance in a suit also lifted our spirits.

Once we were in the pub I can only assume/hope that the minimal offering of crisps and the aforementioned Porkies with each round was due to the usual inflated pricing at the Royal Oak rather than any of the round-buyers thinking that we were all a little bit overweight after a winter of relative inactivity.

It was good to see a lot of familiar faces on the run and hopefully our number will be improved in future weeks with the re-appearance of Kate-la, Ricky-la, Heather-la, Spider-la and anyone else I have momentarily forgotten to mention.
We will be running from The Peacock at Bolter End (or is it Wheeler End common) next Wednesday 9th April at 6:45 pm. See you all then.


E&OE (this is for Susie !!).

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