Thursday, August 23, 2007

Chequers, Fingest, 22nd August 2007

Run Report by Jerome

Why I came to be writing this report will become clear later.
In the meantime Jules, Amanda, Kate, David, Mark, Aude, Steve, John and myself set off promptly at 7pm. Brett pulled out at the eleventh hour making some reference to rain. Rain in August………really!!
Blustery conditions meant the going was tough for those with the greatest surface area and not surprisingly the immediate uphill from The Chequers quickly sorted out the F’s from the F’s. In fact the first 20 minutes was pretty much uphill until the two F’s split.
It seems incredible that when it comes to the F’s taking the short route home how many of the other F’s become F’s. The route home was pretty boggy as you’d expect when it’s been chucking it for 4 months but the two runs took about 45 and 50 minutes respectively. This equates to 4 miles and 8 miles I think.
Once in the comfort of the bar excitement rose as the kitty bulged to over £120. Early rounds of crisps and scratching were quickly replaced by 5 portions of chips. Steve "Vinegar" Taylor quickly made most of them inedible until the Mayo arrived. A main course of steak was contemplated but quickly dispelled for a round of large beers, wine and g & t’s. Brett – you’d have loved it and to Chris and Susie our heartfelt apologies on your absence.
Conversations meandered from England playing Germany (only Amanda was interested) to the antics of Jackass the Movie (well worth a watch). However most interestingly we decided that our run should now consist of a "Bring a Celebrity" so please give serious consideration to who you will invite.
Discussions then started to take place about next week’s venue with Aude most vociferous ""oh merde" she gasped"" about getting out of the Hambleden Valley. She wants to run from Little Marlow. Before a decision could be made some bright spark decided we should spoof for it.
Aah I thought as I declared that I was unbeaten at spoof. Out went John , David, Steve, Amanda and Jules leaving me and Kate to fight it out. Somehow I came out last and thus the report. However in mitigation Mar kand Aude did not participate as they cannot attend next week. Nor can I and therefore in reality consider myself still unbeaten.
Personally I thought it a very appropriate way of allocating the reporting duties.. So a good start for me…..last at running, last at spoof. Good luck next week.
With that in mind the pub venue for next week is the Anchor in Falmouth where I will be. If you don’t think that you can make it then The Red Cow at Wooburn Green is my suggestion for a new venue. Up to you guys to fight it out.
Night night………….mind the dogs don’t bite.

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