Run Report by Steve
Now then.
After a last minute round of frantic voting on this weeks venue (not sure when democracy had been adopted in this respect) the team assembled in the large car park to the rear of The Brickmakers (not Bricklayers, Kate).
The weather was pleasantly sunny with just a hint of autumnal chill in the air - ideal for running. Indeed the weather was good enough for Brett to arrive, sporting a lovely Nike top that was admired by Aude in a very Frenchly sarcastic way. Brett and Aude were joined by Richard, Amanda, Presso, Jules, Kate and myself. Jules joined us on foot, running from all the way from round the corner where Amanda had (presumably) dropped him off.
We set off and headed down a lovely descent across open fields and took on the first ascent of the day through the woods. After about 20 minutes Presso and Brett headed off on a mission to ensure that the Brickmakers really did serve Brakespears and to take a tour past an old haunt of Jerome's (ho hum).
The rest of the party carried on through the woods that led past the unnervingly smiley people at the Wycliffe centre. Amanda by this point was doing the "are we there yet dad, how long to go, how many hills left" routine. I assured her the run would be no longer than 50 minutes. Amanda looked thoroughly disbelieving.
After a run of precisely 50 minutes we arrived back at the pub. In all, a very pleasant run.
After having moved tables to a window location due to limited lighting in the pub, we settled down for drinks and crisps.
Assorted snippets/gossip included - Audes plan to set up a restaurant; the pros and cons of having a foreign holiday home; sordid tales of dodgy barristors s****ing their clients; the venue for the Christmas Dinner (probably Grouse & Ale); the venue for the last run of the season (Viceroy or somewehere else); how fit and slim Richard was looking; how long it took for Aude to succumb to Duds' charms; whether 45 minutes really was too long for Brett (Kate); and end-terraces in Cookham Dean that cost £1.6m.
Next weeks run will be a (shortened) one from The Flowerpot at Aston. Yes-I know, I know-but the run from there is in the open and flattish and Jules has promised to plan a good route.
Mr T.