An interesting in evening in more ways than one. I think this is probably the first time that the group have turned up at a pub and found it closed!, and they didn’t even know we were coming!
Yet again a small group set out, had it not been for the welcome additions of both John, Duds and Michael the initial group would have been even smaller. We were later joined by Chris, Susie and a friend of Susie’s called Jules.
This was the 2nd Wednesday in a row that we had ventured forth with no map! But as ever Selwyn came to our aid and John’s memory is surprisingly, still as good as ever! Once in Ibstone we lost David from the group on a short cut, memories of Le De Spencer Arms were revisited but he fortunately managed to make it back, arriving just before the main pack.
Once all safely back at the building site that used to be the car park for the pub, a discussion ensued as to where we were going to drink, where upon a short detour to the Bull & Butcher, Turville was made. The pub fortunately was not busy and we managed to find a table inside, fortunate as it had now started raining! Pub talk was varied and I will admit I did not stay to the end. Duds told us that he was now 17 stone and show us his tummy to prove this. A discussion started about Jenny’s circuit class in Marlow, and how having attended one class a while ago he had been unable to move his arms and had had a sleepless night as a consequence! David described how he got stroppy with a fellow golfer on Presidents Day, for using his mobile phone whilst on the course, rules are rules and seemingly this guy helped set them! No spoof was done for the run report and as this is my last day before I go camping and with very little to do I volunteered to do it.
Next week at George and Dragon, West Wycombe for drinks. We normally start this run at the car park at the Golden Bull, at 7pm.
Have fun, see you all the following week.
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