Report by John Bartlett
Hello diminishing running group
A small but select group of misfits turned up outside the Two Brewers in Marlow on what was officially the last proper summer's day this year. Attendees were Jules S, Brett, Presso, David and yours truly.
The evening was lovely and warm with a little breeze that just helped to keep the runners cool following the dynamic early pace set by David - wait for it - on his bike. Over Marlow Park through various gangs of low life, running parallel with the river for a time and then up to Harleyford, Danesfield School, back down Happy Valley, Pound Lane and through Marlow Park where surprise surprise aforesaid low life had decided to leave the park with most of the local Sainburys alcohol cabinet strewn over it.
A very nice run indeed albeit perhaps a little longer than anticipated by Brett but achieved nonchantly by Presso showing all his old athleticism after a break of supposedly almost two months. He put this down to a new attitude brought about by hours spent with various horticultural specimens in the backwaters of Oxfordshire. Apparently gardening is an anti-depressant so when you're feeling a bit low or you've had a bad day in the office or your wife isn't talking to you or the kids are moaning or your husband is more interested in the Ashes than you or your football team has just lost or you're just plain bored, follow Presso's example and get out there and dig.
Diana joined us back at the ranch as it was her local after all only to give us the surprising news that she is leaving BA to look after David, I mean spend more time on her property empire. Her other surprising revelation of the evening was her love of Honda Civics. More particularly three door ones in blue. Of course David had been excited beyond belief to go hunting for one of these. I believe they did find one but it was green. Diana was not even drinking!
The really good news of the night was the excellent management of the kitty for the evening by Brett. Two plates of sausages with chilli dip and chips with lashings of lager, breaky's and wine (well perhaps Jules didn't overdo the wine which explained a bit) but nevertheless confidence was restored and I believe Brett and Presso may even have stayed for a fifth. Brett was making the most of his last day of holidays and the return of family from Greece. Apparently he has manged to keep the shower and basin clean as per instructions but the other bathroom facility condition is far from certain.
I am off to SA next week but I understand the Prince Albert in Frieth has not been frequented this year so we will meet there hopefully with a few more holiday returnees. Could be the last 7pm start this year I'm afraid.
See you soon.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Fox & Hounds, Christmas Common - 12th August 2009 (no. 20)
Run report by Brett Rivett
The last time, I ran from the Fox and Hounds a couple of years ago, we were unable to have our post run drink there as Raymond Blanc had just leased it as one of the venues for his BBC 'The Restaurant' series. Instead we scooted off to the Bull & Butcher for chips and beer. I remember a fine evening.
Now I start on this subject of food as I believe that despite what appears to have been said about the cost of wine, it is the levy now charged for crisps, peanuts, scratchings etc that appears to be seriously affecting the health of our kitty. Our feline friend (to which I owe £3 for sitting at the bar too long whilst ordering your first drinks and having an extra pint)is no longer purring. Instead it appears to have a rather irritating fur ball and one that a £10 weekly fee to the Vetinary surgeon appears not to be able to budge.
Anyway I raise it not to be contentious but because rather like the after exercise drink, the run was a rather disjointed and only slightly wet affair, which saw a group of old knackers (Duds, Me, Sel & Jerome) choosing to run a long way down hill, turn onto The Ridgeway and then walk a long way uphill before witnessing a superb view and continuing back through treacherous woodland to the pub in about 50 minutes. Meanhwhile, the similarly aged but firmer and faster group of Rodders, Neil, Jules x2, John and Amanda took on an extra loop after 25 minutes. That was when we last saw them until they breezed into the pub car park.
Presso was there, already supping his beer. Some sat inside on dry seats, others sat outside on moist bences. (Duds what is the French for moist?) and after considerable crisp crunching, nut gnashing and piggery of the scratchings, we left with a rather sour taste in our mouths, thinking that JB had indeed been overcharged for that second round.
To all going on holiday, have a great time and to those of you around next week, come and join us at a venue that is yet to be announced but where I guarantee chips.
The last time, I ran from the Fox and Hounds a couple of years ago, we were unable to have our post run drink there as Raymond Blanc had just leased it as one of the venues for his BBC 'The Restaurant' series. Instead we scooted off to the Bull & Butcher for chips and beer. I remember a fine evening.
Now I start on this subject of food as I believe that despite what appears to have been said about the cost of wine, it is the levy now charged for crisps, peanuts, scratchings etc that appears to be seriously affecting the health of our kitty. Our feline friend (to which I owe £3 for sitting at the bar too long whilst ordering your first drinks and having an extra pint)is no longer purring. Instead it appears to have a rather irritating fur ball and one that a £10 weekly fee to the Vetinary surgeon appears not to be able to budge.
Anyway I raise it not to be contentious but because rather like the after exercise drink, the run was a rather disjointed and only slightly wet affair, which saw a group of old knackers (Duds, Me, Sel & Jerome) choosing to run a long way down hill, turn onto The Ridgeway and then walk a long way uphill before witnessing a superb view and continuing back through treacherous woodland to the pub in about 50 minutes. Meanhwhile, the similarly aged but firmer and faster group of Rodders, Neil, Jules x2, John and Amanda took on an extra loop after 25 minutes. That was when we last saw them until they breezed into the pub car park.
Presso was there, already supping his beer. Some sat inside on dry seats, others sat outside on moist bences. (Duds what is the French for moist?) and after considerable crisp crunching, nut gnashing and piggery of the scratchings, we left with a rather sour taste in our mouths, thinking that JB had indeed been overcharged for that second round.
To all going on holiday, have a great time and to those of you around next week, come and join us at a venue that is yet to be announced but where I guarantee chips.
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Bledlow Ridge Cricket Club - 5th August - run 19
Run report by Jules Sainter.
Wednesday 5th August marked the first ever occasion of the Wednesday night runners stepping out from Bledlow Ridge Cricket Club (BRCC). The turnout was excellent and comprised me (Jules S), Jules H, Amanda, Susie, Chris, Duds, Selwyn, Neil, Steve, Kate, Baz and Jo (virgin Wednesday night runner). We were initially led to believe that there would be some child accompaniment during the first part of the run but this did not happen due to a cry-off en masse as a result of them all being too tired (I’m sure I’d feel exactly the same faced with a mere 6 weeks of idleness and enjoyment during these summer months).
Despite having lived in Bledlow Ridge since 2005, I am grateful to the running team for introducing me to parts that I have never seen before. For anyone that didn’t attend and might like to run the route themselves (maybe some of the kids?) the basic route was: a right turn out of the cricket club, left turn off the main road, down a bit through some grass, along a road, up a grassy bit with nettles, along a bit, up a hellishly steep hill with mud at the top, across the main road, down through a field with cow pats, along through some long grass and more nettles and up a hill so steep that no-one could possibly run it under any circumstances, and then back along the main road to BRCC.
The plan had been that I would get back early to help my husband, Richard, with the bar and BBQ, but in reality I hobbled in last, having fallen dramatically down a hole during the last leg of the run. Luckily Neil was there to help me out of any trouble I might be in from this by telling Rich that I had fallen over whilst oggling some quad bikers (failing to mention that they were only about 10 (and definitely not my type!))
During the run (not sure of the distance, but I’d say definitely over 5 miles) a group of WAGS was taking advantage of the balmy evening and the cricket club sauvignon blanc, so when we returned there was a buoyant atmosphere, despite the earlier tragedy of Rich discovering that the new barrel of Trbute was off. The girls then enjoyed the comparative luxury of the visitors changing room and 2 showers – luxury indeed compared to a hedge and a packet of wet wipes! Meanwhile Rich fired up the BBQ and the group got stuck into the burger and sausage fest. The allocation was 1 burger and 1 sausage per person but there were 2 sausages left so if the person/people who didn’t get their fair would be kind enough to contact me, I will be happy to send them on by post. On the other hand, Duds was apparently hovering round the BBQ from an early stage and (allegedly) consumed 8 portions, presumably not having eaten since Aude left for France a few days previously.
The group seemed to enjoy the BRCC facilities so I would like to take this opportunity to mention that the cricket club is open to the public for drinks every Friday (6-9pm) and late afternoon / early evening on Saturdays throughout the cricket season. Also, the club would welcome any new adult players who are interested in spending their weekends hanging round a field dressed in white, or any children who would like to join the nets session on a Friday night, whilst their parents get hammered in the bar. (End of ad which Richard made me put in!!!)
I believe the location for next week’s run has already been fixed, so see you all then.
Fox & Hounds, Christmas Common.
Wednesday 5th August marked the first ever occasion of the Wednesday night runners stepping out from Bledlow Ridge Cricket Club (BRCC). The turnout was excellent and comprised me (Jules S), Jules H, Amanda, Susie, Chris, Duds, Selwyn, Neil, Steve, Kate, Baz and Jo (virgin Wednesday night runner). We were initially led to believe that there would be some child accompaniment during the first part of the run but this did not happen due to a cry-off en masse as a result of them all being too tired (I’m sure I’d feel exactly the same faced with a mere 6 weeks of idleness and enjoyment during these summer months).
Despite having lived in Bledlow Ridge since 2005, I am grateful to the running team for introducing me to parts that I have never seen before. For anyone that didn’t attend and might like to run the route themselves (maybe some of the kids?) the basic route was: a right turn out of the cricket club, left turn off the main road, down a bit through some grass, along a road, up a grassy bit with nettles, along a bit, up a hellishly steep hill with mud at the top, across the main road, down through a field with cow pats, along through some long grass and more nettles and up a hill so steep that no-one could possibly run it under any circumstances, and then back along the main road to BRCC.
The plan had been that I would get back early to help my husband, Richard, with the bar and BBQ, but in reality I hobbled in last, having fallen dramatically down a hole during the last leg of the run. Luckily Neil was there to help me out of any trouble I might be in from this by telling Rich that I had fallen over whilst oggling some quad bikers (failing to mention that they were only about 10 (and definitely not my type!))
During the run (not sure of the distance, but I’d say definitely over 5 miles) a group of WAGS was taking advantage of the balmy evening and the cricket club sauvignon blanc, so when we returned there was a buoyant atmosphere, despite the earlier tragedy of Rich discovering that the new barrel of Trbute was off. The girls then enjoyed the comparative luxury of the visitors changing room and 2 showers – luxury indeed compared to a hedge and a packet of wet wipes! Meanwhile Rich fired up the BBQ and the group got stuck into the burger and sausage fest. The allocation was 1 burger and 1 sausage per person but there were 2 sausages left so if the person/people who didn’t get their fair would be kind enough to contact me, I will be happy to send them on by post. On the other hand, Duds was apparently hovering round the BBQ from an early stage and (allegedly) consumed 8 portions, presumably not having eaten since Aude left for France a few days previously.
The group seemed to enjoy the BRCC facilities so I would like to take this opportunity to mention that the cricket club is open to the public for drinks every Friday (6-9pm) and late afternoon / early evening on Saturdays throughout the cricket season. Also, the club would welcome any new adult players who are interested in spending their weekends hanging round a field dressed in white, or any children who would like to join the nets session on a Friday night, whilst their parents get hammered in the bar. (End of ad which Richard made me put in!!!)
I believe the location for next week’s run has already been fixed, so see you all then.
Fox & Hounds, Christmas Common.
Very good show!
Monday, August 03, 2009
The Frog in Skirmett – 29th July 2009 – run no.18

After a typically wet Summers day – a day on which the Met Office officially changed it’s Summer forecast from BBQ summer to unpredictable - the weather held off to give us some pleasant conditions for a great run planned by Selwyn.
This particular group of 9 runners and a dog finally came together about 2 miles into the 5 ½ mile run – on the very steep climb from Dolesden to Southend. A series of miscalculations resulted in Chris and me running from Radnage to the wrong pub (in Turville). As it was my error I sprinted towards the Frog where the 6 people who had made it on time ran off as soon as I was in view (about ¼ mile away). I then waited about 5 minutes for Chris to catch up to see Baz arrive with Stella. Fortunately for Baz I was able to direct him up the first footpath and I followed on a few minutes later to discover that Chris had taken a different route from Turville and passed the 6 “ontimers” going in the other direction!
The run was pretty hilly but enjoyed by all – especially the guy who helped Amanda over the barbed wire fence after we got lost near Kimble Farm and had to climb over a fence to get back on track! We passed Gussetts Wood and the Luxters Brewery before descending back into the Hambleden Valley, passing through Colstrope and heading back up the path to Skimett.
The Frog, as always, was most accommodating. Runners were Selwyn, Kate, Amanda, Neil, Baz (with Stella), John, Steve, Chris and me (Jules). We were joined by Steve Sutton, David and Diana in the pub. Topics of conversation included the weather, Prince Albert (and piercings), Planning permission, Rowers Revenge (which is now on again), Jules’ London Marathon and Mental Health – not forgetting a comparison of the cost of wine compared to beer and the proposal that we might consider a girls kitty separate to the boys!
Next week we are running from Bledlow Ridge Cricket Club at 7:00pm where the Sainter’s are opening the Bar and BBQ - we are encouraging everyone to bring their children. Kids will be able to run with us for a short loop and then play Cricket or Tennis (or whatever Saints organises) whilst we run on. See you there...
This particular group of 9 runners and a dog finally came together about 2 miles into the 5 ½ mile run – on the very steep climb from Dolesden to Southend. A series of miscalculations resulted in Chris and me running from Radnage to the wrong pub (in Turville). As it was my error I sprinted towards the Frog where the 6 people who had made it on time ran off as soon as I was in view (about ¼ mile away). I then waited about 5 minutes for Chris to catch up to see Baz arrive with Stella. Fortunately for Baz I was able to direct him up the first footpath and I followed on a few minutes later to discover that Chris had taken a different route from Turville and passed the 6 “ontimers” going in the other direction!
The run was pretty hilly but enjoyed by all – especially the guy who helped Amanda over the barbed wire fence after we got lost near Kimble Farm and had to climb over a fence to get back on track! We passed Gussetts Wood and the Luxters Brewery before descending back into the Hambleden Valley, passing through Colstrope and heading back up the path to Skimett.
The Frog, as always, was most accommodating. Runners were Selwyn, Kate, Amanda, Neil, Baz (with Stella), John, Steve, Chris and me (Jules). We were joined by Steve Sutton, David and Diana in the pub. Topics of conversation included the weather, Prince Albert (and piercings), Planning permission, Rowers Revenge (which is now on again), Jules’ London Marathon and Mental Health – not forgetting a comparison of the cost of wine compared to beer and the proposal that we might consider a girls kitty separate to the boys!
Next week we are running from Bledlow Ridge Cricket Club at 7:00pm where the Sainter’s are opening the Bar and BBQ - we are encouraging everyone to bring their children. Kids will be able to run with us for a short loop and then play Cricket or Tennis (or whatever Saints organises) whilst we run on. See you there...
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