5.2 miles / 775ft climb / 1:05
Report by Jules
The weather remained unseasonably warm and dry for the third run of the season. Are April showers a thing of the past?
After some debate in the pub car park (which we had filled up!) John promised a “New and Interesting” alternative to the usual Gate run that had been enjoyed by us all for the past few years.
The weather remained unseasonably warm and dry for the third run of the season. Are April showers a thing of the past?
After some debate in the pub car park (which we had filled up!) John promised a “New and Interesting” alternative to the usual Gate run that had been enjoyed by us all for the past few years.
So the committed band of runners set out on “John’s Jaunt” - John B himself, Jerome, Chris, Kate, Amanda, Selwyn, Steve, Michael, Doug, Duds, Presso, David and Myself. We started with the usual hill into Piggots Wood (see map) a descended down to the road near to the Ice Cream Factory. From here a shout of “go right” set the faster runners off at a reasonable pace up the road with Duds explaining just how good the Ice Cream was (Yes – Duds has been seen mixing it at the front!!). This might be why we didn’t notice for about a half mile that John had recalled us as we should have turned left.
The remainder of the run was very pleasant and enjoyable, littered with adolescent memories for Duds and regular checking and rechecking of the map by John, Chris, Jerome and me. Lucky some of us know how to read it…… The patches of bluebells were as impressive as ever although not as dense or aromatic as the previous week – see photo.
Total time out was just over the hour for most of us although Chris peeled off for an additional 30 minutes - with our car key or so. Susie had missed us at the start but had gone out on her own – without getting lost!
The Pub was very hospitable and quite apologetic that the European Cup game (Chelsea v Liverpool) could not be shown. They had decided not to pay the £3000+ annual licence fee for Sky Sports for obvious reasons – although our consumption of snacks would have gone some way towards funding it! Heather joined us briefly in the Pub having been running at home on the Running Machine!
See you all next Wednesday in Radnage. Milan v Manchester United on widescreen and lots of wholesome snacks. I will organise a route with shortcut (and maps) for those wishing to get back promptly. Please bring drinks and swimmers if you fancy a dip – 7:00 pm start.